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发布者:admin  发布时间:2017-09-24  点击:2363




An air cooler is a heat exchanger that uses air to cool a hot fluid. The heat pipe in the tube is heated by the air outside the pipe wall and fins, and the air is usually supplied by the fan. Today, let's talk about how to clean the air cooler
Most of the cooling water contains calcium, magnesium and acid carbonates. When the cooling water passes through the metal surface, there is the formation of carbonates. In addition, oxygen dissolved in cooling water also causes metal corrosion and rust formation. As a result of fouling, the cooling effect of the cooler decreased. In severe cases, the cooling water must be sprayed outside the shell, and the fouling will clog the pipe when it is serious, and the heat exchange effect will be lost. Data from the study show that scale deposits affect the loss of heat transport greatly and increase energy costs as sediment increases. Even a very thin layer of scale, it is necessary to increase equipment in the fouling parts, more than 40% of the operating costs. Keeping the mineral deposits in the cooling channel can improve the efficiency, save energy and prolong the service life of the equipment. Meanwhile, the production time and cost are saved.
For a long time the traditional way of cleaning method (such as mechanical scraping and brushing), chemical cleaning, high pressure water (pickling) in the cleaning equipment has a lot of problems: can not completely remove scale deposits, acid corrosion caused by the formation of vulnerability on equipment, the residual acid of the material have two times of corrosion or corrosion under the scale, the end led to the replacement of equipment, in addition, the washing wastewater is poisonous, needs a lot of money for wastewater treatment.

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